Okay, so I have been waiting what seems like forever for this to arrive. I swallowed my coffee and committed to a full-(gasp)price order and started waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
Finally it came! Last Friday. Yes, it has taken me THIS long to stop laughing and write this post. Now mind you. I had beautiful visions of wearing this warm, fuzzy blazer to idunno:
High School Football games with jeans and boots
A fireside chat with jeans and boots- and friends I have yet to meet (here in the land of loneliness)
Trick or Treating with jeans and boots- come on, ya'll. I mean, isn't it obvious?
Church with (watch this) a skirt and boots
So imagine my dismay when I rip open my J Crew box and reveal a jacket the color of EASTER eggs! Neon ones. I started laughing. And I really haven't stopped. So I did what any self-respecting blogger would do. I texted a picture to fellow blogger, AppGal. And then we both had a laugh. It was so shocking, so unexpected, and ultimately so disappointing. (I mean really, I know it is JUST a jacket.)
It took me this long to get the nerve up to share the photo's with you. Here are the one's the day it came:
I really should have warned dear AppGal so she could put on her sunglasses first. But let me tell you, I did not give up easily. Two days later, I texted her all these lovelies of me TRYING to make it work with my closet:
Yes, I know that there is laundry all over the place, I was in the middle of it, and just had to get this off my chest. Don't judge, you know you have laundry in a basket some where. Sock basket anyone?
Well, I tried, but we both agreed, it is just not worth it. Especially when I left this little beauty behind in Leawood.
Needless to say, it is carefully folded back in the box, and will be going back where it came from.
Do any of you have a similar story to share?